



Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes Porn Companies Don't Want You Knowing About

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes Porn Companies Don't Want You Knowing About

nonbacterial prostatitiscauses are a mystery to a lot of people. Most doctors don't even understand it fully -- and it's often hard to treat for men as well. But, there is one thing that may cause it that certain porn sellers do not want you knowing about.

What is the possible cause:

Watching too much porn.

This is an emotional topic for a lot of people, because guys who are addicted to it don't want to hear about it.

Well, too bad, Spanky.

Because by understanding the link now, you could save yourself from a lot of pain and discomfort and even humiliation tomorrow. Especially if it prevents you having to deal with symptoms like a sore penis head and base, painful ejaculations and erections and having trouble peeing day and night.

Here's is how it may work:

When a man views porn he will get sexually excited.

And, when he gets sexually excited, he is very likely going to want to masturbate. But, the problem comes when he watches so much of it, and gets so excited, he masturbates several times per day, multiple times per week.

This is extremely hard on your prostate.

And could very well be one of the nonbacterial prostatitis causes that baffles so many experts.

Too much of anything is bad.

Yes, sex is actually very good for preventing prostate problems.

But, masturbating all day can open up your prostate to all kinds of symptoms -- including prostatitis.

Anyway, just something to consider.

Porn very well could be one of the big nonbacterial prostatitis causes to watch for.


Tubal Blockage with Hydrosalpinx

Tubal Blockage with Hydrosalpinx

Mrs. Huang      32 years old       2008/7       Zhang Jia Jie, Hu Nan Province

She had a ovarian dropsy in left fallopian tube and hydrops in right tube. She cuoldn't get pregnant for 2 years. She took a laparoscopyin in the end of 2007 to excise the cyst and clean out the hydrops. Still no pregnancy for the last 6 months. She took a salpingography in June, 2008. Two months later, she started to take Fuyan Pill under my instruction. Her diease had been cured after taking the pills for 20 days and tested normal .And she got pregnant in 9th, September.


Mrs. Huang took the surgery under the condition that inflammation in the tube was not controled. Even the surgery was successful but for the reason that she needed 3 months contraception, she couldn't get pregnant in 3 months. Salpingography after 6 months indicated that there was no development in the left tube and hydrops in the right tube. It might be fallopian tube hydrops because the inflammation. She accepted my medication at last and been cured very soon, then she got pregnant.

article source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/23.html

Endometrium Thicken Disease

Endometrium Thicken Disease

Miss. Lee  19 years old     2009/8   Student

She had got a permenant menstrual period. Menstrual blood keep bleeding and the volume is large in the week that suppose to be menstrual period and volume reduce in other days. She had been suffer from it for almost 6 years. It means that for the first time she have had menstruation, it never ends. She has taken many treatment with western medicines, and the menstruation seems to be normal for a period of time, but it recur again and again. She also have take western and Chinese medicine together to treat it, but the result is as above. Then she had a permanant menstrual period for about 2 years. She was diagnosed with a endometrium thicken disease with the thickness of 2.9cm. Once she got to my clinic and took Fuyan Pill under my instruction for a months, the period of menstruation become 20days, and the thickness of the endometrium reduced to 2.7cm. In the 2nd month, her menstrual period is 10 days. And it is 8 days in the 3rd month, 7 days in the 4th month and 5 days in the 5th month with a normal volume. The thickness of the endometrium is 1.3cm. She require to keep on treatment for another 3 months to consolidate.

article source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/25.html

Frequent Urination can be Terminated by Taking Herbal Medicine with No Side Effects

Frequent urination, the need to urinate more often than usual, can be terminated gradually by taking herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill without side effects. Cheqianzi, Qumai, Bianxu are the three main herbs used in the medicine to treat the symptom of frequent urination, herbalist Li Xiaoping reveals.
Frequent urination is usually related to urinary tract infection and chronic prostatitis. However, people with frequent urination are often prescribed with antibiotics with no cure and many side effects. In contrast, herbalist Li Xiaoping’s medicine for urogenital diseases helps terminate urinary tract infection and chronic prostatitis by inducing diuresis for treating stranguria naturally and harmlessly, Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic reveals.
According to Mayoclinic, acute bacterial prostatitis is often caused by bacteria which is carried in urine leaks into your prostate. Bacteria can also move upward to the bladder and cause bladder infections. The infections lead to the symptom of frequent urination or urgent urination. Even if there is no pathogenic bacteria found, swollen prostate can oppress urethra and cause the need to urinate.
Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., a director of Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon, stated in his article, "Unlike antibiotic therapies, which are known to have no impact on the symptoms of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, and bladder pain, the Chinese herb therapies may have therapeutic functions that differ from merely inhibiting the bacterial activity. Most of the herbs utilized for the bladder syndromes are aimed at alleviating a condition defined as 'damp heat of the lower burner (jiao).' "
Herbalist Li Xiaoping holds the same point of view. "I applied Plantago seed (cheqianzi), Dianthus (qumai), Polygonum (bianxu) in my formula. These herbs have the properties of clearing heat and draining or drying dampness. They are selected for having a primary action on the genito-urinary system. And they are also the main herbs of a traditional formula Bazheng San to treat urinary bladder syndromes."
Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM Clinic receives many positive comments from its patients across the world. A new message comes from a man who had prostatitis and urinary infection for 3 years. "I am Steve, from maryland, USA. I am happy to let you know that I have great improvements with your pills. I used to go to toilet every 20 minutes. After taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for 2 months, my urine is getting normal. The burning sensation has been away too. The herbs have made a huge difference, and it was worth every penny!"

"A man's well-being can be impaired by frequent urination caused by prostatitis, UTI and long-term antibiotics," comments Dr. Li. "The side-effects-free herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is able to terminate frequent urination, helping men to get rid of physical pains and mental stress caused by urinary discomfort."

Article Source:  http://www.diureticspill.com/News/2013/0731/465.html

Natural Remedies for Clamydia Proved by SIPO are now Available Online

Natural Remedies for Clamydia Proved by SIPO are now Available Online

Chlamydia natural remedies produced by Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic which are proved by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office), is now available to be ordered online.

Wuhan, China (PRWEB) July 05, 2012
Chlamydia natural remedies which are proved by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office), are now available to be ordered online. Traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill are the very alternatives for chlamydia infection, and completely cure chlamydia infection bringing no side-effect.
SIPO has recently approved two natural remedies Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for treating chlamydia genital infection in men, and Fuyan Pill for treating chlamydia reproductive infection in women, which are produced by Dr. Lee Xiaoping from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic. Both natural remedies are made from native Chinese herbs, with a plenty kinds of herbs.
"These two natural remedies can work on treating chlamydia genital infection in either male or female, it takes 3 months for them to work but there's no side-effect with them." Says Dr. Lee, "Unlike antibiotics, bacteria never become resistant to them, this is why they can keep on working for such a long time to completely clear up the infection."
Dr. Lee also claims that both natural remedies can treat damages caused by the infection as well as treating it.
In men, chlamydia may cause prostatitis, epididymitis, and azoospermia if left untreated. According to Dr. Lee, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill treats above diseases in three months as well. Meanwhile, Fuyan Pill reverses tubal damage or endometrial damage caused by the infection.
Now both of the natural remedies for chlamydia infection are available on the following website: 
About Dr.Lee Xiaoping and the natural remedies: 
Dr.Lee Xiaoping graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China. She qualified as a herbalist 30 years ago and is a highly experienced medical professional. She specializes in the field of male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases. She has devoted 30 years to her clinic and worked on the formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, and Fuyan Pill for years. These natural remedies has proven to be effective on treating chlamydia infection. The formulas are patented by SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C).
Article Source:  http://www.diureticspill.com/News/2012/0721/chlamydia.html


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